About Us

The Team


Jonas Wüst

Led the team of Tethys Robotics from research to an innovative startup. He holds a Master's degree from ETH Zurich in Mechanical Engineering.


Johannes Lienhart

As a passionate and experienced diver, he knows exactly why the robustness of our drones is crucial. He holds a Master’s Degree from ETH Zurich in Robotics.


Pragash Sivananthaguru

Brings a good eye for finance and co-founding experience. He holds a Master’s Degree from ETH Zurich in Biomedical Engineering.

Business & Compliance Development

Gallus Kaufmann

Holds a Master's degree in electrical engineering from ETH Zurich and is now focusing on the development of our business cases.

Mapping Lead

Andrej Studer

The mastermind behind our robot navigation. He honed his skills working on VIO pipelines during his Master's degree in Robotics at ETH Zurich.

Robotics Lead

Florin Kümin

Leveled up the control and navigation capabilities of our underwater drones in record time and holds a Master's degree at OST in Robotics.

User Software Lead

Bastian Schildknecht

Probably the most solution-oriented software engineer ETH Zurich has ever seen.

Business Development

Julia Bislin

Is all about building bridges between creativity and business acumen. She is responsible for the creation and execution of a comprehensive go-to-market strategy and internationalization plan.

Business Development

Ana Pinto

Ana leverages her engineering background and diverse experience in maritime, hydraulics, and business launches to solve challenges and drive efficiency.

Robotics Software Engineer

Luca Ebner

Is an experienced match in the world of robotics, specializing in computer vision and deep learning, coming fresh from the Australian Centre for Field Robotics.

Robotics Hardware Engineer

Waleed Madi

With a background in polymechanics and mechanical engineering, he applies his knowledge of mechatronics, machinery, and mechanics and helps the entire project advance.

Electrical Engineer

Daniel Bachmann

Field Robotics Operator

Jonathan Pacheco

Our Advisors


Kim Rindlisbacher

Former Head of the Swiss Command for Explosive Ordnance Disposal with over 16 years of experience

Our Board Members


Prof. Dr. Roland Siegwart

Robotics Pioneer, Technology Advisor and Head of Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich


Roger Wüthrich-Hasenböhler

Non-Executive VP at Swisscom, Member of the Board of Deep Tech Nation Switzerland & Axpo Group